2 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea , in the time of King Herod , wise men from the East came to Jerusalem 2 saying , “ Where is the one who is born ...
17:13 Hearing of Paul's presence in Berea, the Thessalonian Jews followed him there. ... Dari Kekal ke Kekal by Richard L. Strauss; 6. The Necessity of the ...
It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come .” 9 This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance . 10 In fact this is why we work ...
10 For with the heart one believes and thus has righteousness and with the mouth one confesses and thus has salvation .
17:13 Hearing of Paul's presence in Berea, the Thessalonian Jews followed him there. They evidently adopted the same tactics they had used in Thessalonica ...
11 Do not lag in zeal , be enthusiastic in spirit , serve the Lord . 12 Rejoice in hope , endure in suffering , persist in prayer . 13 Contribute to the needs ...
The Evangelization of Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17:1-15) by Bob Deffinbaugh ... Beginning in chapter 13 Paul's ministry dominates the narrative to the end of ...
12 Therefore I exhort you , brothers and sisters , by the mercies of God , to present your bodies as a sacrifice — alive , holy , and pleasing to God —which ...
8 First of all , I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you , because your faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world . 9 For God , whom I serve ...
2 But false prophets arose among the people , just as there will be false teachers among you . These false teachers will infiltrate your midst with ...