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Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
Apr 20, 2005 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... Stein, Synoptic Problem, 61, citing Tuckett's Griesbach Hypothesis, ...
Our mission at bible.org is to furnish trustworthy Bible study resources to build up the body of Christ. The studies and lessons posted on this page were ...
The Book of Exodus, A Critical Theological Commentary. Philadelphia: The ... Gordis, On Methodology in Biblical Exegesis, JQR 61 (1960):93-118; Max L.
... dibangkitkan untuk mereka.” Kasih Kristus! Diatas segalanya ... book of Romans, good for expositional overview and understanding a very important book).
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
Mar 8, 2006 · Itulah kenapa kita harus yakin kalau pikiran kita dikontrol oleh Roh Tuhan. Ingat nasehat Paulus pada jemaat di Efesus? “jangan bodoh,” atau “ ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... dibangkitkan dan mengalami pengangkatan. Sebagian lagi malah ...
Feb 8, 2005 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... dibangkitkan dan dimuliakan (1:12-16). Sama seperti Yesaya di ...
Yesaya 42:16 (Berk.) Kejadian 12:1. Kejadian 13,14, 15. Kejadian ... dibangkitkan untuk mereka.” Kasih Kristus! Diatas segalanya, kasihnyalah ...
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