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As we approach our study of the Book of Revelation, let us study this prophecy in a way that is consistent with the principles of prophecy that can be learned ...
IV. 정경- 우리는 성경 안에 참된 각 권을 어떻게 아는가? A. 정의: 66권의 책의 모음은 초기 교회에 의해 더하지도 빼지도 않도록 완전한 권위가 있는 성경책 ...
In Matthew's Gospel, things will not get better for Judaism as the book unfolds. In Matthew 4:12-16, the Gospel writer reports that Jesus began His public ...
... dijawab. Virtuous dalam baris itu agak kurang tepat untuk kata Ibrani ... ??All the days ordained for me were written in your book?? in verse 17 (dua ...
... dijawab. Tuhan ingin anda tunduk. Batu di Jalan. Ini mungkin suatu kejutan ... 4: Short series on the book of Romans) · 107. The Righteousness of God in ...
Basic Bible Interpretation, a book that provides principles for interpreting the Bible. ... “Mari kita bangkit dan memuji Tuhan untuk doa yang dijawab!
Apr 20, 2005 · Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic ... (4) Mark 1:12/Matt 4:1/Luke 4:1—“the Spirit drove him into the ...
May 27, 2008 · Rasul Paulus merasa bisa memuji jemaat Kolose untuk iman, kasih dan pengharapan mereka (1:4-5), namun ini tidak cukup. Perjalanan seseorang ...
May 16, 2005 · Baris berikut mazmur ini (ayatv 1-4) memperluas dan menguji metafora ini, sehingga aktifitas menggembala seperti memberi makan ternak, ...
Ada satu pertanyaan yang harus dijawab disetiap seri ini, yaitu: Mengapa rebut mengenai gereja seperti ini? ... series for use by the Foundation. Bob was born and ...