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Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?
7:19-22 These verses describe Israel's gods. 1. money and commerce. 2. gold and silver idols. 3. YHWH's temple and its wealth have become a boast of pride, ...
A Precious Word from God. “I am not praying only on their behalf, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their testimony, that they will all ...
The prologue does all of these. It is a single, powerful sentence which highlights major topics of the book. After reading through it we understand in summary ...
Our mission at bible.org is to furnish trustworthy Bible study resources to build up the body of Christ. The studies and lessons posted on this page were ...
In session 3, we introduced a distinction between ministry in the world, the church, and the home. We will now discuss ministry action steps for each area.
Yesaya 59:2 Tetapi yang merupakan pemisah antara kamu dan Allahmu ialah ... Untuk dapat diterima dan berkenan kepada Allah, kita harus menjadi baik dan benar ...
Mar 6, 2006 · PL mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan kekal adalah melalui anugrah Allah dan itu diterima melalui respon iman manusia, bukan melalui tindakan ...
Mar 7, 2006 · Tuhan Yesus sedang dalam perjalanannya ke Galilee dengan Para muridnya. Ia tidak mengambil rute yang umum bagi orang Yahudi dimasanya ...
Apr 20, 2005 · Penggunaan Matius dan Lukas oleh Markus seperti itu lebih sulit diterima daripada percaya Matius dan Lukas ingin membuat ekspresi berulang itu ...