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... 17). First another believer should go to that person privately to lovingly ... Only the following chapters of the book would be interpreted futuristically.
In John 17, we get to hear the heart of Jesus as He prayed for those He was about to leave behind at the end of His earthly ministry. Put yourself with the ...
17:10,11). He is known in Greece as Adonis, which is very similar to the Egyptian Osiris. This was the male lover of Aphrodite who was killed by wild boars and ...
It is important to note that despite its overwhelming acceptance, many American Christians were unaware of Common Sense Realism as an actual philosophical ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 17:14 dalam MT: The start of strife is one who lets out water / so let ...
前言很多年前當我仍是一名神學生,我曾上Dr. Haddon Robinson任教的講道的課。Dr. Robinson教授繪影繪聲地談到我們需要更新和有創意,不要流於死板。
Mar 2, 2006 · Jemaat itu dibangun dan hidup dalam takut akan Tuhan. Jumlahnya makin bertambah besar oleh pertolongan dan penghiburan Roh Kudus. (cf. 19:17).
Mar 2, 2006 · Dikedua ayat dimana pengadilan ini disebutkan (Romans 14:10; 2 Corinthians 5:10), kata-katanya ditujukan untuk orang Kristen. Semua orang yang ...
Roma 8:14-17 Semua orang, yang dipimpin Roh Allah, adalah anak Allah. Sebab kamu tidak menerima roh perbudakan yang membuat kamu menjadi takut lagi, tetapi ...
Apr 20, 2005 · Tapi, jika ada penulis injil yang menggunakan motif ini pastilah Matius bukan Markus. Kedua, ada banyak materi—dan materi yang sangat kaya— ...