Jun 28, 2004 · The Galatian Christians had deserted God by adopting a perverted version of the gospel (1:6-9). This, we shall see more clearly, was the result ...
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Jun 28, 2004 · In chapter 1 Paul defends his claim of apostleship; it was not of any human origin or commission, but by divine appointment (1:1). Those who ...
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Jun 28, 2004 · In verse 10 we find a strong affirmation of Paul's confidence in the midst of these distressing circumstances. We need to understand the nature ...
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10, was reached between Paul and Barnabas on the one hand and the “pillars” of the Jerusalem church on the other. 6 tn Grk “to the circumcision,” a collective ...
Jun 28, 2004 · There were those in the Galatian churches who had been faithfully proclaiming the Word of God, but who were barely able to make both ends meet.
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Feb 12, 2019 · Second journey: After some time in Antioch, Paul wanted to go back and visit his Galatian friends. He and his new partner Silas walked back to ...
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Jun 28, 2004 · By referring to their reception of the Holy Spirit, Paul sought to remind the Galatian saints of their equal status in Christ. In addition to ...
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Nov 27, 2012 · This metaphor was used of Paul's clear teaching and preaching of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Evidently, the Galatian churches were ...
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Nov 27, 2012 · Galatians 5:1-6:10 is the practical aspect of Paul's radical free gospel of Christ, made available to believers through the love and grace of ...
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I am looking for an opportunity for ministry and wondered if your church has a position available. I am a single man in my fifties, short of stature, slightly ...