17 When they saw him , they worshiped him , but some doubted . · 18 Then Jesus came up and said to them , “ All authority in heaven and on earth has been given ...
Apr 2, 2007 · In a recent popular book, Reinventing Jesus, the authors note that, “there are at least forty-eight (and as many as fifty-nine) Greek New ...
43 I was a stranger and you did not receive me as a guest , naked and you did not clothe me , sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' 44 Then they too ...
Jesus' Burial · 57 Now when it was evening , there came a rich man from Arimathea , named Joseph , who was also a disciple of Jesus . 58 · He went to Pilate and ...
12 When morning came , the Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul .
15 “ Woe to you , experts in the law and you Pharisees , hypocrites ! You cross land and sea to make one convert , and when you get one, you make him twice as ...
42 “ Therefore stay alert because you do not know on what day your Lord will come . 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of ...
Though the Hebrew word used here (עַלְמָה, ʿalmah) can sometimes refer to a woman who is a virgin ( Gen 24:43 ), it does not carry this ...
You must stand before Caesar , and God has graciously granted you the safety of all who are sailing with you .' 25 Therefore keep up your courage , men , for I ...
29 Ariel is as good as dead —. Ariel , the town David besieged ! Keep observing your annual rituals ;. celebrate your festivals on schedule .