41 “ Then he will say to those on his left , ' Depart from me , you accursed , into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels ...
41 “ Then he will say to those on his left , ' Depart from me , you ... Greek concordances for each book of the N. The Bible's Storyline How It ...
Chapter 41 has an extensive number of commands used as a rhetorical literary device. 1. directed to the "coastlands," v. 1. a. "listen to Me" - BDB 361, KB ...
Apr 24, 2006 · The bulk of this paper will investigate the possibility of an adverbial force in general and the syntax of purpose specifically.
May 10, 2004 · The case for identifying Jerusalem as the intended referent for the harlot image in Revelation proceeds on several fronts.
Dec 14, 2005 · The goal of this essay is to examine the foundations of the biblical teachings about the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).
Genesis 1-11 is pre-history. It is crucial theologically, but somewhat veiled (brief literary pattern). Veiled in literary genre, veiled in historical drama.
The claim here is not that only Babylon language is used by Jesus, but simply that such is a key image in the discourse.
While Solomon wrote a majority of the proverbial sayings in the book, some proverbial sayings were written by others (e.g., 22:17-24:34; 30:1-33; 31:1-9) and ...
15 Now some men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers , “ Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses , you cannot be saved .