Apr 2, 2007 · In a recent popular book, Reinventing Jesus, the authors note that, “there are at least forty-eight (and as many as fifty-nine) Greek New ...
「太初」(In the beginning)。本譯本的立場:「太初」是絕對性的開. 始,而不是神創造天地的開始(「……的開始」或「當神創造」)。換而言之,本.
始,而不是神创造天地的开始(「……的开始」或「当神创造」)。换而言之,本. 节是主句,第2 节有三子句,描写及提供背景资料,第3 节开始记录创造的过程。
第一章引出了在埃及為奴的主題(the theme of bondage in Egypt),並顯示. 出早前對亞伯拉罕(Abraham)、以撒(Isaac)、雅各(Jacob)應許的實現越來.
出早前对亚伯拉罕(Abraham)、以撒(Isaac)、雅各(Jacob)应许的实现越来. 越加剧的拦阻。开头7 节宣示了以色列(Israel)在埃及的繁茂,第二段(第8-14.
Book 2 – Psalms 42-72 (72:20 shows editor) a. Psalms 42-49 to sons of Korah (except 43) b. Elohim as title for God predominates, Elohim - 164 to YHWH - 30 c ...
The early Greek church fathers used it in the sense of Christ as the reflection or effulgence of God. In a popular sense to see Jesus is to see God (cf. John 14 ...
The book of Daniel is rightly classified as an apocalyptic writing, because of its series of supernatural visions which by their character fulfilled what is ...
In the book of Joshua they always appear as the dominant race to the ... 42 kings, marching "to the fords of the Euphrates, the land of the Chatti ...
The original Greek and Hebrew did not have punctuation as is found in English, and in many cases modern English punctuation serves as a substitute for “and” in ...