27 When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he was almost blind , he called his older son Esau and said to him, “My son !” “ Here I am!
Greek; Library; Word Study; Search. Matthew 26. NET2, ESV, HCSB, ISV, KJV, MSG, NASB ... 26:51-54 John identified the aggressor as Peter and the wounded man as ...
26:22 "Surely not I, Lord" Each disciple asked the question. The Greek grammatical construction expected a negative answer. Their asking the question shows ...
54 It was the day of preparation , and the Sabbath was beginning . ... 55 The women who had accompanied Jesus from Galilee followed , and they saw the tomb and ...
55 “ Hey , all who are thirsty , come to the water ! You who have no money , come ! Buy and eat ! Come ! Buy wine and milk. without money and without cost .
26 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith . 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ ...
26 While they were eating , Jesus took bread , and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to his disciples , and said , “ Take , eat , this is my body .
26 While they were eating , Jesus took bread , and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to his disciples , and said , “ Take , eat , this is my body .
Aug 19, 2004 · 26 The woman was a Greek, of Syrophoenician origin. She asked him to cast the demon out of her daughter. 27 He said to her, “Let the ...
26 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God through faith . 27 ... Greek concordances for each book of the N. Paul's Vice List In Galatians 5:19 ...