Apr 2, 2007 · Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart: German Bible Society, 1994), 459-62; Murray J. Harris, Jesus as ...
Jun 29, 2004 · The people there were both Romans and Greeks and spoke predominantly Greek even though Latin was the official language. The church in Philippi ...
A majority of Greek witnesses have the concluding ἀμήν in every NT book except Acts, James, and 3 John (and even in these books, ἀμήν is found in some witnesses) ...
17 Now as Jesus was starting out on his way , someone ran up to him, fell on his knees , and said , “ Good teacher , what must I do to inherit eternal life ?” ...
5 “ Whenever you pray , do not be like the hypocrites because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them.
An Argument Of The Book Of Romans by David Malick; 1. The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27) by Jodi Hooper; 22 ...
28 When he saw Jesus , he cried out , fell down before him , and shouted with a loud voice , “Leave me alone, Jesus , Son of the Most High God ! I beg you , do ...
They are rife with envy , murder , strife , deceit , hostility . They are ... Anyone interested in learning Greek vocabulary will welcome this new book.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female — for all of you are one in Christ Jesus . 29 And if you ...
21 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth , for the first heaven and earth had ceased to exist , and the sea existed no more . 2 And I saw the holy city —the ...