Aug 13, 2004 · This chapter focuses on three major events: (1) the meeting of the “12 disciples” and their coming to faith in Jesus as the Messiah, receiving baptism as an ...
41 He came a third time and said to them , “Are you still sleeping and ... Greek concordances for each book of the N. Imitatio Christi (1 Corinthians 11 ...
Saul Returns to Jerusalem · 27 But Barnabas took Saul , brought him to the apostles , and related to them how he had seen the Lord on the road , that the Lord ...
One purpose of the book of Acts was to document the rapid growth of the followers of Jesus from Jewish roots to worldwide ministry, from the locked upper room ...
The NASB update continues the NASB's tradition of literal translation of the original Greek and Hebrew without compromise. Changes in the text have been kept ...
[435]. There is a progression in 12:9-21. Paul ... The main purpose of the book is to enable students to read the Greek New Testament with greater facility.
For there is no authority except by God's appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God . 2 So the person who resists such authority ...
20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead , the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep . · For since death came through a man , the resurrection of ...
The Angel Gives a Message to Daniel · 12 “At that time Michael , · the great prince who watches over your people , · will arise . · There will be a time of distress.
Jun 28, 2004 · It is evident that the Spirit had indeed descended on Peter, for about three thousand people believed his message (2:40-41). Book One concludes ...