1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . 2 Now the earth was without shape and empty , and darkness was over the surface of the watery ...
In Greek the book is titled OBDIOU, a transliteration of the Hebrew name and title ... 53). Indeed, they had ignored the warnings of Moses in Deuteronomy 8 ...
Paul Travels Through Macedonia and Greece ; young man named ; sitting in ; sinking · into a deep ; Paul continued to speak ; long time . Fast asleep ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... Abbreviations and Introduction to Principal Manuscript Evidence for the Greek ...
In the Latin Vulgate, Ezra is known as 1 Esdras and Nehemiah is known as 2 Esdras. This can be confusing since in the OT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha there are ...
16 The intentions of the heart belong to a man ,. but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord . 2 All a person's ways seem right in his own opinion ,.
4 He addressed both Jews and Greeks in the synagogue every Sabbath , attempting to persuade them. 5 Now when Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia , Paul ...
Greek; Library; Word Study; Search. Matthew 19. NET2, ESV, HCSB, ISV, KJV, MSG, NASB ... Lesson 53: Cultivating Contentment (Hebrews 13:5-6) by Steven J. Cole; 47 ...
Jun 14, 2004 · Greek: In Greek the book is titled NAOUM which is basically a transliteration of the Hebrew. II. AUTHOR: A. He is identified as Nahum the ...
Jun 14, 2004 · In the Greek canon Joel is placed after Daniel and Hosea and before Amos. Our English order matches the Greek placement of the book. IV ...