Greek. Strongs #11: Abraam Abraam. Abraham = "father of a multitude" 1) the son of Terah and the founder of the Jewish nation ...
The Jews said, "You're not even fifty years old--and Abraham saw you?" BBE ©. Then the Jews said to him, You are not fifty years ...
The Greek term translated “set apart” means to “mark off with boundaries. ... In the Jewish intertestamental book of Sirach, the following is said of Abraham:.
In essence, Abraham is seen to be father both of the Jews and of the Greeks—that is, he is a type of those who are saved by faith. This is illustrated by ...
It is important to begin with a discussion of authorship, in light of the christological controversy which permeates the three Johannine letters.
): 48-71, te H.-J. Klauck: »Internal Opponents«, 55-65. Schnackenburg je ... 140; vidi također David Hill: Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings: Studies in ...