6 “Be careful not to display your righteousness merely to be seen by people . Otherwise you have no reward with your Father in heaven .
Jesus replied , “Do not murder , do not commit adultery , do not steal , do not give false testimony , 19 honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor ...
Therefore what God has joined together , let no one separate .” 7 They said to him , “ Why then did Moses command us to give a certificate of dismissal and to ...
10 The brothers sent Paul and Silas off to Berea at once , during the night . When they arrived , they went to the Jewish synagogue .
19 Whenever they hand you over for trial, do not worry about how to speak or what to say , for what you should say will be given to you at that time .
And your Father , who sees in secret , will reward you . Lasting Treasure. 19 “Do not accumulate for yourselves treasures on earth , where moth and devouring ...
47 “ Again , the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea that caught all kinds of fish. 48 When it was full , they pulled it ashore , sat ...
Jesus and John the Baptist · 7 While they were going away , Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “ What did you go out into the wilderness to see ? A ...
14 When they came to the crowd , a man came to him , knelt before him , · and said , “ Lord , have mercy on my son because he has seizures and suffers terribly , ...
Enter into the joy of your master.' 22 The one with the two talents also came and said , ' Sir , you entrusted two talents to me . See , I have gained two more.