Showing results for greek:thomas AND book:19 site:bible.org
Jesus' Appearance to Mary Magdalene ; stood outside the tomb ; weeping · As she wept ; bent down and looked into the tomb ...
20:24 Now Thomas (called Didymus), 1 one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 20:25 The other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!
11 Then I saw heaven opened and here came a white horse ! The one riding it was called “ Faithful ” and “ True ,” and with justice he judges and goes to war ...
Jul 15, 2013 · God displays His glory by His patience, wrath, and power when He judges sinners who are prepared for destruction (9:22). Although (9:22, NASB) ...
19 And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy , God ... Every verse from here to the end of this chapter begins with καί in Greek ...
Paul Travels Through Macedonia and Greece · 2 After he had gone through those regions and spoken many words of encouragement to the believers there, he came to ...
He prevailed against them so that they fled from that house naked and wounded . 17 This became known to all who lived in Ephesus , both Jews and Greeks ; fear ...
So the life I now live in the body , I live because of the faithfulness of the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me . 21 I do not set aside God's ...
Book Reviews. d Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990. 110 pp. Paperback. Anyone interested in learning Greek vocabulary will welcome this new book. It contains all words ...
Book Reviews. d Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990. 110 pp. Paperback. Anyone interested in learning Greek vocabulary will welcome this new book. It contains all words ...