Ihsou Cristou, “the revelation of Jesus Christ”) could be interpreted as either an objective genitive (“the revelation about Jesus Christ”), subjective genitive ...
5 Jesus answered , “I tell you the solemn truth , unless a person is born of water and spirit , he cannot enter the kingdom of God .
4 Now when Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was winning and baptizing more disciples than John 2 ( although Jesus himself was not baptizing , but ...
3 tn Here one Greek term, κρίμα (krima), has been translated by the two English terms “condemnation” and “punishment.” See BDAG 567 s.v. 4.b, “mostly in an ...
He stayed there two days , 41 and because of his word many more believed . 42 They said to the woman , “ No longer do we believe because of your words , for we ...
Aug 18, 2004 · The unbelief of the Jews does not nullify God's faithfulness, but rather God will be justified in his words and prevail when he judges.
The New Testament confines the event of the resurrection to a single epoch, and nowhere teaches, as chiliasm assumes, a resurrection in two stages, one, at the ...
As the most systematic of all Paul's letters, Romans addresses in detail the Pauline kerygma, i.e., the gospel of God. Romans 1:16-17, which concludes the ...
Abraham did not earn righteousness by works, rather Gdo credited righteousness to his account by faith. The Greek term elogisthe is used eleven times in 4:1-25 ...
The text of Hosea should be better clarified when the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project completes work on the book of Hosea. For further study of textual ...