“to God” are not in the Greek text, but are implied. The pas- sive construction has been converted to an active one for clarity, in keeping with contemporary ...
Dec 12, 2007 · In verse 10, while believing and confessing are now set apart into two separate clauses, confession is still declared to result in salvation.
57) see the note on “eats” in v. 54. 14 sn Resides in me, and I in him ... (or Hebrew) translation for the Greek term Λιθόστρωτον. (Liqostrwton). He ...
tc Most later mss (Ï), along with several versional witnesses, have θεόν (qeon, “God”) here instead of κύριον (kurion, “Lord”). Such is a predictable variant ...
20:2 So she went running to Simon Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where ...
were eyewitnesses and servants of the word passed on to us.” The location of “in the beginning” in the Greek shows that the tradition is rooted in those who ...
“book” (NRSV, NIV) or “treatise” (KJV). A formal, systematic treatment of a subject is implied, but the word “book” may be too specific and slightly ...
32 Do not give offense to Jews or Greeks or to the church of God , 33 just as I also try to please everyone in all things . I do not seek my own benefit , but ...
3 But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man , and the man is the head of a woman , and God is the head of Christ . · 4 Any man who prays or ...
greek:kurion AND book:57 site:bible.org from bible.org
The term perisseue connotes the idea of “abundance,” “richness,” and “supply unlimited” and was a special word for Paul—used by him 26 of the 39 times in the NT ...