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Romans 1:16-17, which concludes the salutation/introduction, best articulates the theme of the whole book: “the righteous revelation of God in the gospel.” B.
自序. 罗马书是历代圣徒最喜爱的一本新约书卷。法国圣经学者F. Gode在阐释本书时曾赞叹道:「保罗啊!若你只写一封书信,单罗马书已足够所有基督徒之需用了。」。
如今保罗说神的儿子耶稣基督乃是审判日的判官,此点,主在世时早已明告(参约5:27、30;太25:31-46,伪经以诺书45-46章亦宣告弥赛亚乃最后审判的判官),审判世人是他将来 ...
I. The reason the promise to Abraham (or to all his descendents)—that he would inherit the world—was fulfilled not through the law, but through faith, is ...