Showing results for greek:pie in AND book:40 site:bible.org
Jun 29, 2004 · It is a book that, if taken to heart, can radically transform our outlook and sweeten up some sour saints, not to mention pointing others who ...
11 He came to us , took Paul's belt , tied his own hands and feet with it, and said , “The Holy Spirit says this: ' This is the way the Jews in Jerusalem will ...
' 9 But the voice replied a second time from heaven , ' What God has made clean , you must not consider ritually unclean !' 10 This happened three times , and ...
Greek; Library; Word Study; Search. Acts 12. NET2, ESV, HCSB, ISV, KJV, MSG, NASB. You ... He is the author of several books, including 40 Questions About Angels ...
11 So when the crowds saw what Paul had done , they shouted in the Lycaonian language , “The gods have come down to us in human form !” 12 They began to call ...
39 They had a sharp disagreement , so that they parted company . Barnabas took along Mark and sailed away to Cyprus , 40 but Paul chose Silas and set out , ...
Barnabas took along Mark and sailed away to Cyprus , 40 ... The main purpose of the book is to enable students to read the Greek New Testament with greater ...
Live like children of light — 9 for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness , righteousness , and truth — 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the ...
The Book of Proverbs is for me the most practical book in the Bible. No other book is more saturated with home and family and the relationships therein. No ...
19 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged severely . 2 The soldiers braided a crown of thorns and put it on his head , and they clothed him in a purple ...