Showing results for greek:simple AND book:42 site:bible.org
43 Vindicate me, O God ! Fight for me against an ungodly nation . Deliver me from deceitful and evil men . 2 For you are the God who shelters me.
Heal me , for I have sinned against you. 5 My enemies ask this cruel question about me, ... ' When will he finally die and be forgotten ?' ... 6 When someone comes ...
Aug 20, 2004 · Indeed, Jesus would then be mockingly worshipped as the “King of Israel” (Matthew 27:29, 37, 42; Mark 15:32; Luke 23:36-38; John 19:3, 14, 19).
Jul 6, 2004 · In terms of simple chronology, the Book of Habakkuk is the last Minor Prophet before Judah goes into exile, at the hands of the Babylonians.
42 They said to the woman , “ No longer do we believe because of your words , for we have heard for ourselves , and we know that this one really is the Savior ...
Oct 10, 2013 · Her question (in Greek) implies a negative answer: “This is not the Christ, is it?” If she had stated boldly that she had met the Christ, they ...
Jul 10, 2013 · God has graciously set free from sin's penalty and power all who are in Christ Jesus. Although these are wonderful verses, they're not easy to ...
43 Vindicate me, O God ! Fight for me against an ungodly nation . Deliver me from deceitful and evil men . 2 For you are the God who shelters me.
Jan 16, 2006 · When the Israelites were held captive as slaves in Egypt, God rescued them and eventually led them into the land of Canaan (Exodus 1-15). God ...