17 When Jesus had finished saying these things , he looked upward to heaven and said , “ Father , the time has come . Glorify your Son , so that your Son ...
The r%omfaia was the long and heavy, broad sword used by the Thracians and other barbarous nations who often marched irresistibly over one country after another ...
16:20 I tell you the solemn truth, you will weep and wail, but the world will rejoice; you will be sad, but your sadness will turn into joy.
Greek; Library; Word Study ... It prepares the reader for the rest of the book by introducing key concepts and themes that are developed later in the book.
God here seeks to comfort and strengthen His people. Knowing this book brings a greater capacity to understand God's grace in his patience during this age and ...
17 When Jesus had finished saying these things , he looked upward to heaven and said , “ Father , the time has come . Glorify your Son , so that your Son ...
Jul 28, 2004 · The Prologue (1:1-18): The author introduces themes which will be repeated and expanded throughout the Gospel. II. The Book of Signs (1:19-12:50): ...
First, it could be a mistake arising from someone who just did not know Greek very well, or as a Jew, was heavily influenced by a Semitic form of Greek. Both ...
Jul 28, 2004 · The referent of aujtou' (autou, “[with] him”) in 1:6. Since the last third person pronoun in 1:5, aujtw'/ (autw, “[in] him”), clearly referred ...
May 25, 2004 · This is especially problematic when Jesus says that He gave the revelation to his servants to show them “what must happen very soon” (Rev 1:1).