47. From the series: Studies in Revelation PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE ... The prominent theme of the book certainly concerns the conflict with evil in the ...
The LXX has the same Greek phrase (τάδε λέγει, tade legei) about 350 times, with nearly 320 of them having “the Lord” (Heb יהוה, Yahweh) as subject. That the ...
May 10, 2004 · And that of the apostles, embracing the ministry of Paul, ends with Nero.”47 Unless Clement considers John's Apocalypse to be outside of the ...
9:1 Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the abyss.
Ihsou Cristou, “the revelation of Jesus Christ”) could be interpreted as either an objective genitive (“the revelation about Jesus Christ”), subjective genitive ...
One plausible interpretation that carries a lot of weight within the camp of idealism is that Babylon in Revelation simply represents pagan society or forces as ...
” The Greek word μάρτυς can mean either “witness” or “martyr.” tn Grk “killed among you.” The term “city” does not occur in the Greek text of course, but the ...
sn In the form of the quotation in the Greek text found in the best mss , it is the unique sovereignty of the Lord that has the emphatic position. sn A ...
Jun 28, 2004 · Baur reasoned that there was a deep seated conflict between Peter, the apostle to the Jews, and Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. He determined ...
5:24 “I tell you the solemn truth, the one who hears my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned, but has crossed ...