Showing results for greek:law AND book:11 site:bible.org
Aug 18, 2004 · The first five books of the Bible are sometimes called the Pentateuch which means “five books.” They are also known as the books of the law ...
Jan 1, 2008 · The word law (Greek, νόμος) is used in Scripture in many different senses, most of which are found in the Epistle to the Romans. No two ...
May 26, 2004 · Daniel 11 seems to provide details concerning the Greek empire which were not previously disclosed. More than anything, Daniel 11 gives us a ...
23 When he came and saw the grace of God , he rejoiced and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with devoted hearts , 24 because he was a good man , ...
Jul 4, 2004 · This is, of course, a reference to the Lord Jesus who was of the line of David, a legal descendent by adoption through Joseph (Matt. 1), but ...
Apr 12, 2013 · The fact that the Law is not for the righteous but for sinners is “in accord with (Greek = kata) the gospel of the glory of the blessed God,” ...
Jan 1, 2008 · Chapter 11 naturally divides into two major sections. The first, verses 1-35, describes the major rulers of the Persian Empire and then gives in ...
11 So I ask , God has not rejected his people , has he? Absolutely not ! For I too am an Israelite , a descendant of Abraham , from the tribe of Benjamin .
Jun 10, 2004 · In the New Testament, the Greek word used for law is nomos. Nomos means “that which is assigned,” hence, “usage, custom,” and then “law,” or “a ...
Jan 1, 2008 · The argument is that Christ is the end of all law, as far as law resulting in righteousness is concerned. The demands of all moral law reach ...