Showing results for greek:update AND book:1 site:bible.org
Jan 11, 2022 · My working title is: Nobody's Mother: Artemis in First-Century Ephesus and Why She Matters. I expect the book to release in the fall of 2023.
This means that Paul's condemnation on issues of sexuality are not annulled or trumped by themes of liberty alone. In other words, heart is but one element of ...
Robinson's New Harmony of the Greek Gospels.1 ] Strictly speaking, a distinction should be made between a Synopsis of the Gospels, a Harmony of the Gospels ...
Jun 26, 2004 · From 1611 until now, the King James Bible has undergone a grand total of 421 word changes, amounting to only five one-hundredths of a percent of the text!
Genesis 1-2 In Its Literary Context. The purpose of this essay is to observe the place of the creation account in its literary context in Genesis 1–11.
A. Verse 1 is a standard letter form of the first century. Paul made it uniquely Christian by substituting "grace" for the similar sounding Greek word " ...
Sep 17, 2004 · The textual problem in 1 Th 2:7 of νηπιοι or ηπιοι (“babes” or “gentle”) is one of the more intriguing textual problems in the Thessalonian letters.
... 1 In Part I of that book Allen establishes the permanent r. Dispensational Christian Zionism: A Strange But Acceptable Aberration Or A Deviant Heresy ...
Jul 3, 2013 · Expository study of Romans: An introduction--Paul's epistle to the Romans details the life-changing facets of God's glorious gospel.
Apr 20, 2010 · “Hope” is not found in the Old Testament until we come to the Book of Ruth (where Naomi reveals that she has no hope).