McCarter, II. Samuel (AB), 59-60. The point seems to be that he is unable to ... hai and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for my sake.' 18:13 If I ...
... book: Gen 2:4 provides the title or summary of what follows, 2:5-6 use disjunctive. 1: Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the ...
Jun 24, 2004 · Book Study by a specific book ... Angels and Principalities: The Background, Meaning and Development of the Pauline Phrase hai archai kai hai ...
... and went out to fight Israel at the meeting place near the Arabah. But he did not realize men were hiding behind the city. NETBible. Word, Freq.
Aug 11, 2004 · The references to "former lusts" (1:14); "futile way of life" (1:18); "once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God" (2:10) and ...
The book is loaded with the person and work of Christ. Through the resurrection of Christ, Christians have “a living hope” and “an imperishable inheritance” (1: ...
But when the situation involves someone you know, the Lord may want you to be involved. Remember, it's never convenient or easy to go after a Christian who has ...
Enoch, from the line of Seth, shows the upward spiritual trajectory that can happen when a family line remains true to God through godliness and faithfulness.
R. K. Harrison, Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 1113). Also read the good discussion of the possibility of a confusion of two similar terms (i.e. Kal-du ...
Apr 11, 2012 · ANSWERED PRAYER: We thank God for each and every donor that cross our path. We thank God for His provision of new staff members, God's provision ...