David had entrusted his cargo to the care of the supply officer , he ran to the battlefront . When he arrived , he asked his brothers how they were doing ...
30 Saul again replied , “I have sinned . But please honor me before the elders of my people and before Israel . Go back with me so I may worship the Lord ...
He said to him, “The king should not sin against his servant David , for he has not sinned against you. On the contrary , his actions have been very beneficial ...
Helping a Friend through the Darkness of Depression · Ann Golding, 2015-11-12 ; Perempuan sehari-hari, pernah Setia Tuhan · Melanie Newton, 2015-11-10 ; Lesson 1: ...
1.5. Kepastian Mengenai Pemeliharaan Allah Setiap Hari · J. Hampton Keat... 2012-04-11 ; Ubugingo Bushingiye Ku Kwizera · J. Hampton Keat... 2007-03-07 ; 2.
Mar 7, 2007 · KWONGERA UBUGINGO KUBWO GUCUBGUZA UBURYO UMWETE. Intangiriro. Muri iyi si hari ukurenganywa kwinshi, ariko ibyo duhuriyeho twese ni igihe ...
Jun 8, 2004 · 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows. 2 Timothy 2:19 ...
Mar 7, 2007 · 2 Abakorinto 5:9-10 "Nicyo gituma tugira umwete wo kumunezeza, iyo turi iwacu mu mubiri, cyangwa tudahari. 10 Kuko twese dukwiriye ...
Isn't there more to life than food and more to the body than clothing ? 26 Look at the birds in the sky : They do not sow , or reap , or gather into barns , yet ...
Mar 7, 2007 · Mu Isezerano Rishya hari ibice by'ingenzi ku kibazo cy'icyaha no kubabarirwa n'Umwana w'Imana. Ibyakozwe 24:16 Ni cyo gituma mpirimbanira ...