11 But now Christ has come as the high priest of the good things to come . He passed through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands , that is ...
11 God said , “Let the land produce vegetation : plants yielding seeds and trees on the land bearing fruit with seed in it, according to their kinds .” It was ...
Jun 15, 2004 · He is risen, but even as the risen Lord who has ascended, He is still never remote to us though we may not be relating to His love and presence.
35 When it was already late , his disciples came to him and said ... This book is written by Professor Ephraim Stern of the Hebrew University in ...
35 Then James and John , the sons of Zebedee , came to him and said , “ Teacher , we want you to do for us whatever we ask .” 36 He said to them , “ What do ...
35 For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and ... This book is written by Professor Ephraim Stern of the Hebrew University in ...
Who is this Son of Man ?” 35 Jesus replied , “The light is with you for a little while longer . ... Walk while you have the light , so that the darkness may not ...
9 I am telling the truth in Christ (I am not lying!) , for my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit — 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart ...
24 God said , “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds : cattle , creeping things , and wild animals , each according to its kind .” It ...
Restoration and Healing · 35 While he was still speaking , people came from the synagogue leader's house saying , “ Your daughter has died . · But Jesus , paying ...