Showing results for hebrew:My Hand book:14 site:bible.org
May 28, 2013 · We may sum up the theme of the entire Book of Hebrews: Seeing the glory of Christ in His person and priesthood will strengthen us to endure trials by faith.
Jul 28, 2008 · The Son is the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.
May 20, 2013 · A vital prayer life is essential to endure trials. Failure to endure trials is the mark of the seed sown on rocky soil.
15 After these things the Lord 's message came to Abram in a vision : “ Fear not , Abram ! I am your shield and the one who will reward you in great ...
14 Therefore since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession. 15 For we do not ...
14 When Abram heard that his nephew had been taken captive , he mobilized his 318 trained men who had been born in his household , and he pursued the invaders ...
May 16, 2013 · Expository study of Hebrews: Jesus' superiority to the angels rests on the fact that He is God.
14 Return , O Israel , to the Lord your God ,. for your sin has been your downfall ! 2 Return to the Lord and repent ! Say to him: “ Completely forgive our ...
Jan 17, 2014 · Verse 14 probably does not take up a new paragraph, but is a conclusion to the paragraph begun here at 3:1. The terms which tie these units ...
Jun 29, 2004 · Joshua is the “high water mark” of success in Israel's history. Things could hardly have been better. How could anyone help but be optimistic regarding the ...