Showing results for hebrew:Dry AND book:38 site:bible.org
39 For the music director , Jeduthun ; a psalm of David . I decided , “I will watch what I say. and make sure I do not sin with my tongue .
2 For they will quickly dry up like grass ,. and wither away like plants . 3 Trust in the Lord and do what is right . Settle in ... Book. Solid Underline.
... dry bones, hear the word of the L ord .' 5 Thus says the Lord G od to these bones, 'Behold, I will cause breath to enter you that you may come to life. 6 I ...
The Valley of Dry Bones · 37 The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and placed me in the midst of the valley , and it ...
and then he blows on them, causing them to dry up ,. and the wind carries them ... But, as the next chapter reveals, chapter 38 also records the Lord's ...
13 When she saw that he had left his outer garment in her hand and had run outside , 14 she called for her household servants and said to them, “ See , my ...
39 From the blue , purple , and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for serving in the sanctuary ; they made holy garments that were for Aaron , just as the ...
Why do you test the Lord ?” 3 But the people were very thirsty there for water , and they murmured against Moses and said , “ Why in the world did you bring us ...
Nov 13, 2012 · Jeremiah, Zedekiah and the Siege (37:1-38:6), Jeremiah in the Dry Well ... In which verse of chapter 38 does the weakness of Jeremiah show clearly ...
9:11 You split the sea before them, and they crossed through the sea on dry ground! ... Hebrew text of v. 3, but are clearly implied here because they ...
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