11 I hereby guide you in the way of wisdom ,. and I lead you in upright paths .
... book (25:1-. 29:27). The original collection of Solomonic proverbs appears to ... 4 To impart shrewdness to the morally naive, and a discerning plan 0 ...
13:16) is a Hebrew idiom meaning, "Confess your sins." The words of the Jews to the blind man, "Give God the praise" (John 9:24), are an adjuration to confess.
17 Cain was intimate with his wife , and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch . Cain was building a city , and he named the city after his son Enoch ...
1 There was a man from Ramathaim Zophim , from the hill country of Ephraim . His name was Elkanah . He was the son of Jeroham , the son of Elihu , the son of ...
1 There was a man from Ramathaim Zophim , from the hill country of Ephraim . His name was Elkanah . He was the son of Jeroham , the son of Elihu , the son of ...
Feb 11, 2010 · List of Abbreviations (for the NET Bible Footnotes). As found on the Lumina Study Tool. Abbreviations for Biblical Books and Nonbiblical ...
The Lord works everything for its own ends – even the wicked for the day of disaster. NET © Notes. 1 sn The Hebrew verb translated “works” (פָּעַל, pa ...
Nov 10, 2014 · Preparing the Way. Distinguish between “canon” and “canonicity.” What is the sole criterion for canonicity? Is there a test of inspiration?
9 Two people are better than one. because they can reap more benefit from their labor . 10 For if they fall , one will help his companion up ,.