Showing results for hebrew:bush AND book:12 site:bible.org
May 13, 2004 · When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, ...
1 sn Chapter 12 details the culmination of the ten plagues on Egypt and the beginning of the actual deliverance from bondage. Moreover, the celebration of ...
Jun 29, 2012 · Lesson PPT TITLE Main Point: We can encounter God anytime, anywhere. Key Verse: “Come here. Listen to what the Lord your God is saying.
May 23, 2013 · Expository study of Hebrews: If you have trusted in Jesus' blood, you have not come to the terrors of the law, but to the joys of the new ...
13 The Lord spoke to Moses : 2 “ Send out men to investigate the land of Canaan , which I am giving to the Israelites . You are to send one man from each ...
48 “ When a resident foreigner lives with you and wants to observe the Passover to the Lord , all his males must be circumcised , and then he may approach and ...
Jun 14, 2004 · I. TITLE OF THE BOOK: A. Hebrew: The title to the book in Hebrew is hkya ('Ekah). This is the Hebrew term for “How,” “Alas,” or “Oh” that ...
7 The Lord appeared to Abram and said , “To your descendants I will give this land .” So Abram built an altar there to the Lord , who had appeared to him.
This book forms a balance to the neat maxims of Proverbs that offer success in life ("the two ways," e.g., Psalm 1). There is mystery in life, in nature, in ...
It is now clear to us that God can speak to human beings and they can keep on living. 25 But now, why should we die, because this intense fire will consume us!