Chapters Five through Seven delineate the themes Ezra develops regarding Yahweh's character, the importance of holiness, the Returnees' continuity with pre- ...
Dec 10, 2004 · The Book of Ezra initiates the reader to the world of its narrative not with scenic depiction or vivid action, but with a date, a temporal ...
Jews, as regards their nationality, to distinguish them from Gentiles. (2.) Hebrews, with regard to their language and education, to distinguish them from ...
Jul 4, 2004 · This is now the seventh paper in this series regarding Davidic hope in the Old Testament and intertestamental literature.
In chapters 7-10 a Persian decree again disrupts the status quo of Babylonian Jewry, commissioning Ezra to seek the welfare of Judah and Jerusalem (7:1-28 ).
Introduction. The promises to the overcomer in Revelation 2 and 3 present us with some important, but difficult questions that need to be answered in order ...
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