3 He offered sacrifices in the Valley of Ben Hinnom and passed his sons through the fire , a horrible sin practiced by the nations whom the Lord drove out ...
Jun 14, 2004 · This is a basic misunderstanding between Greek and Hebrew wisdom. Greek wisdom was concerned with speculation and cosmogony which was behind ...
32 Moses said , “ This is what the Lord has commanded : ' Fill an omer with it to be kept for generations to come, so that they may see the food I fed you in ...
Dec 14, 2005 · I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of ...
a book of the Apocryphal which exists at present in Greek, Latin, Syriac and Hebrew texts, but it was probably written originally in Greek.
However, by the turn of affairs at the end of the chapter, the reader is left with a question about the power of God – “What can God do?” This is good Hebrew ...
29 I will not drive them out before you in one year , lest the land become desolate and the wild animals multiply against you. 30 Little by little I will drive ...
29 See , because the Lord has given you the Sabbath , that is why he is giving you food for two days on the sixth day . Each of you stay where you are; let no ...
29 “Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats . ... You must give me the firstborn of your sons . 30 You must also do this for your oxen and for ...
Unlock the Scrolls of the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures. Based on ancient Jewish Hebrew texts. Discover the Secrets of the Messianic...