Pronunciation: daw-baw'. Origin: from 01696. Reference: TWOT - 399a. PrtSpch: noun masculine. In Hebrew: rbd 442, yrbd 291, rbdh 219, Myrbdh 133, rbdk 63, ...
Hebrew · 1) the king of Eglon, one of the five kings hanged by Joshua n pr loc · 2) a town in the mountains of Judah west of Hebron and given to the priests and a ...
Dec 16, 2004 · The analysis of Ezra's plot structure in Chapter Three identified five locations where the narrative develops the theme of holiness. The first ...
Jun 16, 2004 · Words of Moses: These are the words (rbd) ... 3. Moses states the 10 Commandments (5:6-21). a. No gods are to be placed before YHWH Elohim who ...
Jul 6, 2004 · rbd (d*b*r) can mean either “word” or “thing” and with the negative (loa) could mean “no thing.” Therefore, Amos could be making a play on words ...
House sees Ezra 1-6 revealing “the God who restores the remnant to the land,” and Ezra 7-10 revealing “the God who purifies the remnant.” Raymond B ...
The response of the Jewish leaders, rather than being a function of their own inclinations, turns out to be a reflection of Yahweh's sovereign working. Everyone ...
NET ©. 'Oh, Lord God, you did indeed make heaven and earth by your mighty power and great strength. Nothing is too hard for you!
6:4 is a good summary verse for the book of Hosea. God is exasperated with Israel because there is no loyalty. vs 6 says, it is the heart - “loyalty” - which ...
The second topic is the Jewish effort to rebuild the temple (Ezra 3-6 ). The ... book Moses” (6:18 ). And the story of the first return ends with a ...