Judaism has always been a book religion: it stands or falls with the Old Testament, especially with the Pentateuch. Although no manuscript of the Hebrew Old ...
In the course of this book it therefore becomes evident that the well-known themes of prophecy and wisdom were still viable expressions of God's intentions even ...
Seventy and seven, or 77, a combination found in the words of Lamech (Gen 4:24); the number of the princes and elders of Succoth (Jdg 8:14); and the number of ...
Jun 14, 2004 · I. TITLE: The book is named after the character “Esther” A. In Hebrew the title is rtsa which may be derived from the Persian word for star, ...
7:5 “This is what the sovereign Lord says: A disaster – a one-of-a-kind disaster – is coming! 7:6 An end comes – the end comes! ... It has awakened against you – ...
The psalmist contrasts the destiny of the wicked with that of the righteous, emphasizing that the wicked are even- tually destroyed while the godly prosper ...
For you are the God who delivers me;. on you I rely all day long. 6 Remember your compassionate and faithful deeds , O Lord ,. for you have always acted in this ...
sn Psalm 25. The psalmist asks for divine protection, guidance and forgiveness as he affirms his loyalty to and trust in the Lord. This ...
26 By David . Vindicate me, O Lord ,. for I have integrity ,. and I trust in the Lord without wavering . 2 Examine me, O Lord , and test me.
7:1 The word of the Lord came to me: 7:2 “You, son of man – this is what the sovereign Lord says to the land of Israel: An end!