May 27, 2004 · The triumph of Jerusalem over her foes in 12:1-9 has a counterpart in 9:11-17. The rejection of the false prophets and their idolatrous ways in ...
At the heart of the book of Haggai is the prophet's urgent insistence that the postexilic Jewish community get to the work of rebuilding the Temple. As Childs ...
May 27, 2004 · Now that the release from bondage has been effected, YHWH exhorts the prisoners to return to the stronghold (v. 12a). The hapax legomenon form ...
Jul 6, 2007 · As already seen, certain members of the Jewish community fasted twice a week (like the Pharisee in Luke 18:12), on Mondays and Thursdays.
Introduction: Contribution and Methodology. This dissertation develops an integrative theology of fasting from an evangelical Christian perspective.
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