18 As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee he saw two brothers , Simon ( called Peter) and Andrew his brother , casting a net into the sea ( for they were ...
26 Wasn't it necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory ?” 27 Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to ...
23 Jesus went throughout all of Galilee , teaching in their synagogues , preaching the gospel of the kingdom , and healing every kind of disease and sickness ...
2 The Word was with God in the beginning . 3 All things were created by him , and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created . ... 4 In him ...
When the man came near , Jesus asked him , 41 “ What do you want me to do for you ?” He replied , “ Lord , let me see again .” 42 Jesus said to him , “ Receive ...
16 “ When you fast , do not look sullen like the hypocrites , for they make their faces unattractive so that people will see them fasting .
When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralytic , “Have courage , son ! Your sins are forgiven .” 3 Then some of the experts in the law said to themselves ...
9 For this reason deliverance is far from us. and salvation does not reach us. We wait for light , but see only darkness ;. we wait for a bright light ...
When the man came near , Jesus asked him , 41 “ What do you want me to do for you ?” He replied , “ Lord , let me see again .” 42 Jesus said to him , “ Receive ...
The Book of Amos by Hampton Keathley IV; 6. Why People Follow Jesus, Part IV (Because He Has All Authority) by Bob Deffinbaugh. Peter. a man who was a leader ...