It shows God's faithfulness to his covenant plan and to his covenant people, but it also shows the problems incurred by the people's lack of faith and obedience ...
The book presents many valuable ideas on the subject of the suffering of the righteous. Ultimately it teaches that one must submit to the wisdom of the Creator.
The final verse records a culmination in the developing tyr- anny and provides a transition to the next section – Pharaoh commands the open murder of the males.
The poetic sections of this chapter (vv. 9-10; 13-14) are the theological heart of the book. They capsule God's eternal purpose and plan for human ...
This chapter continues the theme of the entire book, which is that human fallen governments are opposed to God. Each empire has become more and more anti-God.
The poetic sections of this chapter (vv. 9-10; 13-14) are the theological heart of the book. They capsule God's eternal purpose and plan for human ...
13 Just as it is written in the law of Moses , so all this calamity has come on us. Still we have not tried to pacify the Lord our God by turning back from ...
... kalah, “to be frail”). The rate of infant mortality was so high ... Of these, only 1:6 and 4:13, which bracket the book, are the narrator's comments.
... 13:30; Jer 22:18; 34:5) and carries the connotation of death. In highly dramatic fashion the prophet acts out Israel's funer- al in advance, emphasizing ...
(2) It may be taken as a summary statement of what the chapter will record, that is, vv. 3-31 are about God's creating the world as we know it. If the first ...