Exhortations for Spiritual Warfare · 10 Finally , be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of his power . · Clothe yourselves with the full armor of God , ...
11 I am no longer in the world , but they are in the world , and I am coming to you . Holy Father , keep them safe in your name that you have given me , so that ...
33 But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness , and all these ... Keagungan Seorang Ibu by Richard L. Strauss; Lesson 44: Why Crucify Self ...
33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace . In the world you have trouble and suffering , but take courage — I have conquered ...
15 “ I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener . 2 He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me . He prunes every branch that bears ...
10 If you obey my commandments , you will remain in my love , just as I have obeyed my Father's commandments and remain in his love .
24 “ No one can serve two masters , for either he will hate the one and love the other , or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other . You cannot ...
3 My child , do not forget my teaching ,. but let your heart keep my commandments ,. 2 for they will provide a long and full life. and well-being for you.
This book is twenty-forth in the popular series The Bible Speaks Today. Other authors include Derek Kidner (Jeremi. Book Reviews. 91. 324 pp. $18.99. Basic ...
15 “ I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener . 2 He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me . He prunes every branch that bears ...