5 “ Whenever you pray , do not be like the hypocrites because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them.
'” 7 Jesus said to him , “Once again it is written : 'You are not to put the Lord your God to the test .'” 8 Again , the devil took him to a very high mountain ...
The revelation that God has given is the revelation to those seven churches first and foremost. As we understand that message to those seven churches then we ...
Mar 31, 2006 · 6 Lalu keluarlah Hatah mendapatkan Mordekhai di lapangan kota yang di depan pintu gerbang istana raja, 7 dan Mordekhai menceritakan kepadanya ...
Pages on: Matthew 5 ; 10. How Does the Church Make Disciples, Part III, Bob Deffinbaugh, 1 ; 12. The Relationship Between Rules and Righteousness (Romans 7:1-6) ...
Feb 24, 2006 · Pria dan wanita berbeda! Anda mungkin melihat hal ini sudah kenyataan, tapi perbedaannya sangat penting untuk dipikirkan, karena trend masa ...
Mar 8, 2006 · Tuhan “yang di dalam segala sesuatu bekerja menurut keputusan kehendak-Nya-- supaya kami, yang sebelumnya telah menaruh harapan pada Kristus, ...
1 Petrus 5:7 Serahkanlah segala kekuatiranmu kepada-Nya, sebab Ia yang memelihara kamu. ... What book or books of the Old Testament are covered in each division?
... keputusan penting mengenai terjemahan, penafsiran Alkitab, dan keputusan ... nya menghapus seluruh klausa ( > ). Bukti Eksternal. Didalam contoh ini ...