21 “ Not everyone who says to me , 'Lord , Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of heaven — only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven .
21 “ Not everyone who says to me , 'Lord , Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of heaven — only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven . 22 On that day ...
48 So then , be perfect , as your heavenly Father is perfect . Pure ... books, but should ultimately have a library of one Book.” This paraphrases ...
9 I am telling the truth in Christ (I am not lying!) , for my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit — 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my ...
24 “I tell you the solemn truth , the one who hears my message and believes the one who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned , but has crossed ...
48 So then , be perfect , as your heavenly Father is perfect . Pure-Hearted Giving. 6 “Be careful not to display your righteousness merely to be seen by ...
man is from the earth , made of dust ; the second man is from heaven . 48 Like the one made of dust , so too are those made of dust , and like the one from ...
5 “ Beware , Assyria , the club I use to vent my anger ,. a cudgel with which I angrily punish . 6 I sent him against a godless nation ,.
36 After some days Paul said to Barnabas , “Let's return and visit the brothers in every town where we proclaimed the word of the Lord to see how they are ...
Your evil is removed ; your sin is forgiven .” 8 I heard the voice of the Lord say , “ Whom will I send ? Who will go on our behalf?” I answered , “ Here I am , ...