Apr 11, 2006 · Setelah orang percaya itu beroleh keselamatan karena percaya Kristus dan kematianNya di salib untuk menebus dosa-dosanya, dapatkah orang percaya ...
17 For the scripture says to Pharaoh: “ For this very purpose I have raised you up , that I may demonstrate my power in you , and that my name may be proclaimed ...
5 Therefore , since we have been declared righteous by faith , we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ , 2 through whom we have also obtained ...
11 Therefore remember that formerly you , the Gentiles in the flesh —who are called “ uncircumcision ” by the so-called “ circumcision ” that is performed ...
9 Tetapi aku, dengan ucapan syukur akan kupersembahkan korban kepada-Mu; apa yang kunazarkan akan kubayar. Keselamatan adalah dari TUHAN!" 10 Lalu berfirmanlah ...
4 But God , being rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us , 5 even though we were dead in offenses , made us alive together with Christ — ...
6 What shall we say then ? Are we to remain in sin so that grace may increase ? 2 Absolutely not ! How can we who died to sin still live in it ?
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31 For this reason I tell you , people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy , but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven . 32 Whoever ...
Meskipun 1 Yohanes 5:11-12 ditujukan kepada orang-orang Kristen guna memberikan kepastian tentang keselamatan mereka berdasarkan kesaksian Firman Allah, ayat- ...
11 Therefore remember that formerly you , the Gentiles in the flesh —who are called “ uncircumcision ” by the so-called “ circumcision ” that is performed ...