Summary of Timothy's Duties ; But you ; person dedicated to God ; away from all that ; Instead pursue ; righteousness , godliness ...
5 Therefore , be imitators of God as dearly loved children 2 and live in love , just as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us , a sacrificial and ...
3 I am thankful to God , whom I have served with a clear conscience as my ancestors did, when I remember you in my prayers as I do constantly night and day . 4 ...
1 From Paul and Timothy , slaves of Christ Jesus , to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi , with the overseers and deacons . 2 Grace and peace to ...
32 Then Jesus told them , “I tell you the solemn truth , it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven , but my Father is giving you the true bread ...
8 This saying is trustworthy , and I want you to insist on such truths , so that those who have placed their faith in God may be intent on engaging in good ...
An Introduction to the Book of Proverbs by David Malick; Chapter 6: Holiness in Ezra: Separated From Uncleanness and Seeking the Lord by A. Philip Brown II; 8 ...
John - Chapter 6 by Kenneth Boa; Divine Sovereignty vs. Human Responsibility ... Bisakah Kita Percaya Pada Keabadian? by Lehman Strauss; Preach the Word ...
Live in Holiness · 25 Therefore, having laid aside falsehood , each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor because we are members of one another . · Be ...
15 “ I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener . ... 2 He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me . He prunes every branch that bears fruit ...