A short prose pericope (32:1-6a) breaks into the poetic body of the book. Its purpose is to introduce Elihu, as the prose prologue to the whole book (chs. 1 ...
32. V. The Speeches of Elihu (32:1—37:24). Elihu's First Speech. So these three men refused to answer Job further, because he was righteous in his own ...
Jesus Walks the Road to Emmaus ; 31 At this point · their eyes · opened ; 32 They · said to each other ; 33 So they got up that very hour · returned ...
me more than these do?” He replied , “ Yes , Lord , you know I love you .” Jesus told him , “ Feed my lambs . ... book about its author. Much confusion surrounds ...
32 Then the Benjaminites said , “ They are defeated just as before ... In the middle chapter of the book there is another reference to weeping by ...
and to God I would set forth my case . 9 He does great and unsearchable things ,. marvelous things without number ;. 10 he gives rain on ...
32 “ Look ,” said Esau , “ I 'm about to die ! What use is the birthright to me?” 33 But Jacob said , “ Swear an oath to me now .” So Esau swore an ...
When you see the daughters of Shiloh coming out to dance in the celebration , jump out from the vineyards . Each one of you, catch yourself a wife from among ...
32 but I have prayed for you , Simon, that your faith may not fail . When you have turned back , strengthen your brothers .” 33 But Peter ...
vanished out of their sight . 32 They said to each other , “ Didn't our hearts burn within us while he was speaking with us on the road , while ...