10 I have great joy in the Lord because now at last you have again expressed your concern for me . (Now I know you were concerned before but had no ...
6 Brothers and sisters , if a person is discovered in some sin , you who are spiritual restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness .
27 God wanted to make known to them the glorious riches of this mystery among the Gentiles , which is Christ in you , the hope of glory . 28 We proclaim him by ...
10 I have great joy in the Lord because now at last you have again expressed your concern for me . (Now I know you were concerned before but had no ...
15 The Lord spoke to Moses : 2 “ Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ' When you enter the land where you are to live , which I am giving you, 3 and you ...
1 From Paul , an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God , and Timothy our brother , 2 to the saints , the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ , at ...
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ! By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ ...
4 You who are trying to be declared righteous by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace ! 5 For through the Spirit , by faith ...
Jesus' Parting Words to His Disciples · 5 Thomas said , “ Lord , we don't know where you are going . How can we know the way ?” 6 · Jesus replied , “ I am the way ...
31 When Judas had gone out , Jesus said , “ Now the Son of Man is glorified , and God is glorified in him . 32 If God is glorified in him , God will also ...