15 A psalm of David . Lord , who may be a guest in your home ? Who may live on your holy hill ? 2 Whoever lives a blameless life ,. does what is right ,.
15 A psalm of David . Lord , who may be a guest in your home ? Who may live on your holy hill ? 2 Whoever lives a blameless life ,. does what is right ,.
13 Why does the wicked man reject God ? He says to himself , “You will not hold me accountable .” 14 You have taken notice ,. for you ...
38 A psalm of David , written to get God's attention . O Lord , do not continue to rebuke me in your anger . Do not continue to punish me in your raging ...
O one who can snatch me away from the gates of death ! 14 Then I will tell about all your praiseworthy acts ;.
14 May those who are trying to snatch away my life. be totally embarrassed and ashamed . May those who want to harm me. be turned back and ashamed . 15 ...
14 But I trust in you, O Lord ! ... Where a biblical book is placed relative to other books influences a reader's view of the book and so influences ...
19 For the music director , a psalm of David . The heavens declare the glory of God ;. the sky displays his handiwork . 2 Day after day it speaks out ;.
He is committed to a sinful lifestyle ;. he does not reject what is evil .
13 But I, like a deaf man, do not hear; And I am like a mute man who does not open his mouth. 14 Yes, I am like a man who does not hear, And in whose mouth ...