Mar 8, 2006 · Ia melakukan apa yang jahat di mata TUHAN” (2 Chron. 21:6). Jadi, demikianlah pengaruh jahat itu bergerak dari selatan. Dikematian Yehoram ...
Sep 4, 2012 · Ele suplica que o jovem se aproxime e fique sobre ele porque ele está no chão, e o jovem precisaria fazer isso para matá-lo. O jovem amalequita ...
Jan 1, 2008 · This speaks of His righteous judgment upon sin. His head is crowned with many crowns, or diadems, the symbol of sovereignty. He possesses a name ...
Jun 25, 2008 · No capítulo 17, ele se levanta contra Golias, o campeão filisteu da cidade de Gate, e o mata. No capítulo 18, Saul começa a ficar nervoso com a ...
Dec 10, 2007 · As individuals come to faith in Christ through the believers' financial support of the Gospel, and these new believers in turn carry on the ...
... mata) is the word for righteous deeds and is in the plural. The ... In the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, 32:2; 33:1-2 Enoch holds the idea that ...
The expression “bare record” in verse 2 (Gr., emartyre„sen), occurring three times in this chapter, means “to bear witness” or “to testify.” The book of ...
As we approach our study of the Book of Revelation, let us study this prophecy in a way that is consistent with the principles of prophecy that can be learned ...
May 14, 2013 · Ele diz a Absalão para sair logo em perseguição a Davi, para isolá-lo e matá-lo, e assim desmoralizar seus seguidores e garantir a posição como ...