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The books by Carson and Strauss defend the possibility of certain kinds of gender sensitive translations as a matter of translation theory. The book by ...
Through this paper, various views about the identity of Melchizedek will be discussed, especially his function in light of the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12- ...
However, the Spirit can't force us to grow. We must be active in our dependent faith. Foster notes, “God has given us the disciplines of the spiritual life as a ...
Dalam Ezek 18 :21-22 Tuhan bicara pada Israel perkataan ini: Tetapi jikalau orang fasik bertobat dari segala dosa yang dilakukannya dan berpegang pada segala ...
Mar 6, 2006 · Israel menjauh dari Tuhan karena menyembah berhala dan bentuk lain dari ketidaktaatan. Bagian Alkitab berikut menggambarkan hal ini. sebab orang ...
Book Study by a specific book · Author Study by a certain author · Topic Study ... 42-47] show that celebration is a valid reason for eating and drinking ...
... memperhitungkan pelanggaran mereka. Ia telah mempercayakan berita pendamaian ... Matius 26:42 Lalu Ia pergi untuk kedua kalinya dan berdoa, kata-Nya ...
Cf. Maz 121:4. 1 Petrus 5:7 (NIV). Kolose 1:9, 10 (NIV). E.g., Maz ... Tapi misalkan kita sudah memperhitungkan harganya, memberi dia semuanya ...
In session 3, we introduced a distinction between ministry in the world, the church, and the home. We will now discuss ministry action steps for each area.
Mar 8, 2006 · Itulah kenapa kita harus yakin kalau pikiran kita dikontrol oleh Roh Tuhan. Ingat nasehat Paulus pada jemaat di Efesus? “jangan bodoh,” atau “ ...