17 Because you say , “I am rich and have acquired great wealth , and need nothing ,” but do not realize that you are wretched , pitiful , poor , blind , and ...
15 Then when they had finished breakfast , Jesus said to Simon Peter , “ Simon , son of John , do you love me more than these do?
Because they pursued it not by faith but ( as if it were possible) by works . They stumbled over the stumbling stone , 33 just as it is written ,.
16 When the men got up to leave , they looked out over Sodom . (Now Abraham was walking with them to see them on their way .) 17 Then the Lord said ...
14 “Do not let your hearts be distressed . You believe in God; believe also in me . 2 There are many dwelling places in my Father's house .
1 The revelation of Jesus Christ , which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon . He made it clear by sending his angel to his servant ...
59 I consider my actions. and follow your rules . 60 I keep your commands eagerly. and without delay . 61 The ropes of the wicked tighten around ...
7 And our hope for you is steadfast because we know that as you share in our sufferings , so also you will share in our comfort .
26 The Lord's message came to Jeremiah : 27 “ I am the Lord , the God of all humankind . There is , indeed, nothing too difficult for me.
But God will surely come to you and lead you up from this land to the land he swore on oath to give to Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob .” 25 Joseph made the sons of ...